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Why invest with Chetwood Investment Management?

Chetwood Investment Management do not have traditional views on portfolio diversification.  Investment markets have changed since the great financial crisis and we have changed with them.  The value and benefits of diversification are long-held investing principles. The entire concept is based on the idea that stock and bond prices generally move in opposite directions. When one is rising, the other is falling. This strategy was at the heart of portfolio construction for generations … until central bank Quantitative Easing policies led to this standard portfolio construction method starting to fail when you need it the most.


We actively manage our portfolios on a tactical basis to try to take advantage of market movements. Whilst the bulk of our portfolios are invested in long term strategies, where we sit and hold our favoured sectors, the markets continue to give us opportunities to trade tactically with the balance. This way we hope to successfully navigate the months and years ahead, securing both strong long term growth, but also managing the downside risks when markets turn against us.


We are experiencing a period post the global Credit Crisis where the rule book is being re-written, yet people of influence are finding it difficult to come to terms with the fact that what they had learned to be fact is no longer the case. By their very nature, most politicians, bankers, economists and fund managers exist within a framework, and their framework is being torn down and replaced. Many “star” fund managers have seen their star wane, sometimes terminally, and mostly those who invest on a “value” basis have struggled to succeed in a decade where the environment has only fleetingly matched their strategic outlook, as discussed earlier in this note.


Our investment process is constantly looking for new ways to navigate the ever-noisier world of economic forecasting and analysis. Most people accept that the value of their investments will fall from time to time. With today’s short-termism dominating the previous long term investment strategies, it is increasingly important to try to assess whether these short term losses are simply “corrections” (in which case it will tend to reward us to remain calmer and not make many major changes to the investment strategy) or if they are likely to morph into an entirely more damaging longer-term bear market. With the higher level of volatility caused by algorithmic trading processes and wayward tweets, this can be a very difficult assessment to make and all the more reason to take professional investment advice.


As an independent investment manager, we have no affiliation to any providers, so we can confidently say we always put clients’ interests first and maintain complete objectivity.



Experience & Insight 

Our Discretionary Portfolio Services are ideal for you if you would prefer your portfolio managed on your behalf by experienced investment professionals.


We make day-to-day decisions to achieve the goals you have set us. Our attention is focused on your primary objectives so we can respond to market situations quickly and effectively, leaving you to stand back and manage your other priorities.


Investment Process 


To enable us to achieve the appropriate, regular and real returns for you, we draw on the broad range of experience, skills and specialisms of our experts who make up our Investment Committee. This core team of professionals meet weekly to seek, analyse and evaluate investment opportunities. It identifies assets, balancing income and growth, and maintains the solid framework that drives the investment returns of your portfolio.


Seek, analyse and evaluate


We address the global macroeconomic issues to highlight potential opportunities then evaluate and analyse prospective asset classes, countries, sectors and themes.


Identify real value assets


We use quantitative analysis, external research and internal review to identify opportunities that represent real value.




Tailor to fit individual profiles


If required, following a consultation with your investment manager, we will create an appropriate portfolio designed to meet your specific requirements and aims; taking your attitude to risk and our knowledge of your current financial position into account.


Monitor and control risk


The underlying investments and the weighting of those assets - tactical allocation - within your portfolio are vigilantly monitored. The asset mix will be reviewed regularly and verified to ensure that they meet your individual objectives. We will react accordingly should these aims alter.


Personal Service


For clients wishing for a more unique service, subject to a minimum portfolio size, we can offer a genuinely personalised investment proposition. We align ourselves with your interests, requirements and aspirations at all times of the investment journey.


Disciplined Approach for Positive Real Returns


We are not wedded to any one particular investment style, discipline or trend. We do, however, follow a structured process to identify opportunities. We then focus on achieving positive real returns using a disciplined analytical approach to select suitable investments for your portfolio to sustain real asset value and produce absolute growth.

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